Lord of the ghetto?
What makes a person turn from a normal human being, into a brutal murderer? What has happened in this person's life, since the heart has turned into a stone, and all trust in other people, even the closest friends and family has disappeared?
And trust, is it really that easy? Things get complicated when the persons you are supposted to trust, that are supposted to protect your country, suddenly turns out to be the bad guys. Everything isn't black and white, where you can point out to evil on one side, and good on the other.
Walking around, you can see the fear in people's eyes, and you hear the name Mungiki, everywhere you go. The name that causes people to hide inside their homes, and the police to raid houses in the search for justice, with the result of several innocent people being killed.
While many of my friends don't have a choice, but to live in fear, risking their lives just outside their own home, I can safely return to my apartment every day. A place where I can sleep, without having to fear that someone might tear my house down, and kill me and my family. Where I can have my meals, without constantly having to look over my shoulder, jumping at any sound. I am extremely lucky, because I had the choice to decide where to live, and I have to say, I'm happy I chose to stick to the safe side of town. But unfortunately it is very few people around here who can choose to do the same thing.
Yesterday we had some of our students visiting, and it was nice for everyone to sit down with good friends, relaxing, eating brownies and icecream, staying up the whole night watching movies. Some even managed to watch all three of the Lord of the Rings movies, without falling asleep. Good work! :)
It is nice to be able to sink into a fantacyworld, where the good actually defeats the evil. Go Frodo!
And trust, is it really that easy? Things get complicated when the persons you are supposted to trust, that are supposted to protect your country, suddenly turns out to be the bad guys. Everything isn't black and white, where you can point out to evil on one side, and good on the other.
Walking around, you can see the fear in people's eyes, and you hear the name Mungiki, everywhere you go. The name that causes people to hide inside their homes, and the police to raid houses in the search for justice, with the result of several innocent people being killed.
While many of my friends don't have a choice, but to live in fear, risking their lives just outside their own home, I can safely return to my apartment every day. A place where I can sleep, without having to fear that someone might tear my house down, and kill me and my family. Where I can have my meals, without constantly having to look over my shoulder, jumping at any sound. I am extremely lucky, because I had the choice to decide where to live, and I have to say, I'm happy I chose to stick to the safe side of town. But unfortunately it is very few people around here who can choose to do the same thing.
Yesterday we had some of our students visiting, and it was nice for everyone to sit down with good friends, relaxing, eating brownies and icecream, staying up the whole night watching movies. Some even managed to watch all three of the Lord of the Rings movies, without falling asleep. Good work! :)
It is nice to be able to sink into a fantacyworld, where the good actually defeats the evil. Go Frodo!