
For we are Gods masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so that we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. - Eph. 2.10

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Sted: Trondheim/Nairobi

Afrika-trotter, fysioterapeut og misjonærspire.

mandag, juli 09, 2007


When I was in church this Sunday, the preacher said; "For those who have been wondering how a winter in Nairobi feels like, this is it. Now it is winter in Nairobi."

I have been wondering, and a winter in Nairobi is cold. The other night I was sleeping wearing a pyjamas and socks, under a sleepingbag and a big blanket. And that same night I had a dream, I was out shopping for clothes; a quilted jacket, and even quilted trousers. They looked nice though..
So the next morning, putting on a jacket, walking outside I was actually looking for frost mist from my breath. But of course I didn't see any, when it supposedly is still around 20 degrees outside.

Hmm..a bit confused.. And I was the one laughing loudly, when looking in a Kenyan magazine, showing two ladies getting ready for the winter, wearing big jackets and big scarfs. If I remember correctly I said the following words to one of my Kenyan friends; "HAHAHAHA!!! Are you actually wearing that! You should go experience a Norwegian winter!"
I definitely withdraw my rude and rather loud remarks..

And the confusion continues. After having been some days in Tanzania, during East African Cup (a great experience by the way..) one of the students gave me some Kenyan Shillings for me to change into Tanzanian Shillings. When he gave me the money I was so surprised; "Wow, where have you gotten this money?!" (Poor guy, probably thought I was accusing him of stealing..) "I have really missed looking at Norwegian money!" So standing there, believing I had some good old Norwegian money in my hand, it took some time for me to understand that the money actually was Kenyan.

And when I arrived Nairobi, after 1 week in Tanzania, I was at home. Sitting outside a petrol station waiting for my ride, I was actually wondering why so many african people were gathering in a Norwegian petrol station.

I have definitely been in Kenya a long time..


Blogger Hilde said...

My advice: STAY in Kenya!!! Eller kanskje d bare e storbyn æ savne..nåkka e d ihvertfall. Koss d går? Kanskje du e litt overarbeida stakkars lille vennen...

11:55 p.m.  
Blogger Oddrun said...

Hahaha, den va go! Du skulle jo ha tatt m nånn norske pænga du kunna sett på sånn innimellom..
Ska ta m vinterkåpa om æ kjæm:D

6:44 p.m.  
Blogger Marianne said...

Vinterkåpa ja, og ullundertøy..hehe..Neida, tru nok du overleve fint med ei vanlig jakke gitt. Men knallbra hvis du får te å kom asså! Karibu sana!

7:09 p.m.  

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